About Napier
The Napier Initiative is a partnership between Pilgrim Place and the five undergraduate Claremont Colleges to encourage leadership for social change. Inspiration for this particular partnership has come from the lives of two former residents of Pilgrim Place, Davie and Joy Napier, who were much admired across the United States for their prophetic leadership in working for world peace, for a just and inclusive society, and for environmental sustainability. Upon the deaths of Joy and Davie, their family, former students, and Pilgrim Place residents honored them by creating a memorial fund dedicated to the fellowships and programs of the Napier Initiative.
The intergenerational mentoring program links Napier Fellows interested in exploring vocations for social change with elders at Pilgrim Place who have built a lifetime of experience, leadership, and professional skills in fostering social justice for all people, caring for our fragile Earth home, and nurturing peace and reconciliation. Pilgrim Place, faculty and staff designated by the five undergraduate Claremont Colleges and representatives from the wider Claremont community provide leadership for the Initiative.
This Napier Initiative offers as its primary programs:
The Napier Awards for Creative Leadership
The Napier Fellows: Each of the Claremont Colleges may nominate annually in the fall up to three seniors to be Napier Fellows. These are students who have proven ability to give leadership in social change and are proposing a project they would like to carry out immediately after graduation. The nominees gather several times during the year and are invited to find a mentor from among the Pilgrim Place residents for the coming year.
The Napier Mentors: Napier Fellows and mentors gather several times during the year. Mentors are retirees who have had a lifetime of experience and leadership in national and international social justice endeavors. Mentors provide support and encouragement to Napier Fellows in numerous ways. For many Napier Fellows, their senior year in college is an opportunity to discern their future vocational goals. Pilgrim Place mentors have provided a sympathetic listening ear and reflection on life experience which enhances the process for many Fellows. In some cases, mentors have been able to assist Fellows by identifying local leaders with an interest in the proposed project, like-minded individuals working on similar projects in other locations and possible financial resources. Close mutually supportive friendships have been established between mentors and Fellows.
The Napier Awards: In 2022-2023 the Napier Initiative will make two Awards at $20,000 each.
The Napier Courses
At the invitation of the colleges' faculty, the Napier Initiative has stimulated intergenerational learning in designated courses. "Elder" participants are co-learners with the undergraduate students participating fully in the academic coursework, thus creating a rich intergenerational dynamic that enlivens both students and elders. Five Napier courses are offered:
Currently Offered:
Effective Learning Across the Lifespan - Claremont McKenna - Fall 2022
Feminist Ethics - Scripps - Fall 2022
Infrastructures of Justice - Scripps - Fall 2022​
Feminism and Science - Pomona College - Spring 2023
Political Economy of Food - Scripps College - Spring 2023
Gender Crime and Punishment - Pomona College - Spring 2024
Future Offerings:
Religion, Ethics, and Social Practice - Pomona College
HIV/AIDS: Science, Society and Service - Harvey Mudd College